Dmt Crystal


What is crystal DMT Research Chemical?
It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT). 5-MeO-DMT, a psychedelic drug structurally similar to N,N-DMT, is sometimes mistakenly referred to as DMT
Which plants have DMT?
Acacia acuminata, Up to 1.5% alkaloids, mainly consisting of dimethyltryptamine in bark & leaf Also, Harman, Tryptamine, NMT, other alkaloids in leaf.
Acacia alpina, Active principles in leaf.
Acacia angustissima, β-methyl-phenethylamine, NMT and DMT in leaf (1.1-10.2 ppm)

How do you make DMT at home?
To separate the DMT from the naphtha solution, pour the contents of the crystallization jar through a funnel with a pipe screen or coffee filter. Allow the extracted DMT to dry for at least ten hours. It should dry into powderized crystals or a waxy consistency based on the purity of the extraction.

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